Sunday, July 14, 2024

Space: 2022 - Episodes One to Three

We'll take a break from model building tonight and dive into, specifically, the first three episodes of Year Two.  But first, let's return to S01-E24 from "Space: 2019", which was the season cliffhanger...  

The (alternate Anderson timeline) premise of "Space: 2019" was that the nuclear accident was narrowly averted on the dark side of the moon, changing the course of (television) history.  To deal with the constant flow of nuclear waste from Earth, the brains at the Lunar Commission created the "Buzzard", a tug-like vehicle which would transport large amounts of atomic garbage from Earth, and dump it into the sun.  The tow ship would then return for another load.  (if you want to know more back story, and the full season of 24 episodes, click on any Space: 2019 link).

In this episode, BZ-14 is hijacked by an Eco-Terrorist group (Memories of Green), who want nuclear power plants dismantled and a more green solution implemented.  Unless their terms are met, they threaten to send the ship back to Earth which would cause widespread radioactive pollution.  And there was where we left it, a seized space freighter with a deadly cargo surrounded by a squadron of Hawks waiting for the order...

S02-E01 - "Icarus Descending"
Negotiations are at a stalemate after 48 hours; no one is willing to capitulate.  A minor officer in the newly formed Space Corps assembles a small task force and, flying an Eagle into the Buzzard's blind spot, forcefully boards the ship.  Most of the crew and occupants are killed in the attack, and, as a last ditch attempt, the surviving hijacker sets the ship into a low orbit, knowing full well the implications.  The fiery and catastrophic re-entry is viewed by millions, pieces and radio active waste breaking off on its descent, but it is going to land somewhere.  Eventually the surviving pieces crash in northern Minnesota, making the area uninhabitable and forcing the evacuation of thousands.  There were no survivors from the terrorists or assault force.  All Buzzards are recalled and put under heavy guard.  Nuclear waste is temporarily stored in a classified Lagrange point between the Earth and the Moon, and new negotiations begin on the eventual eradication of nuclear waste within five years.  (Just to clarify, the Minnesota reference is an in-joke within my family.  Got ya, Yo!)

S02-E02 - "Phoenix Ascending"
A new era of space exploration begins.  The Buzzards are refit, weapons installed, and now operated by the military.  EUROSEC (European Space Exploration Complex) contracts Johnson-Bower Aerospace to construct a new warp capable ship for deep space exploration, with two new support ships (Doves) to act as shuttles.  The PHOENIX (Prototype Hyperdrive Outer Exploration Neutron Integrated Experimental) is constructed at the JBA facility between the Earth and the Moon, and three years later, it is ready for launch.  (This episode will likely be an epic montage of events, depicting research, construction, and lots of miniature work with long sweeping orchestral-heavy camera shots).

S02-E03 - "Journey to Where"
The Phoenix is ready for its epic mission.  Just one more inspection and a run around the inner solar system for the brass to Jupiter and back; a three hour tour.  The 109 full crew is joined by EUROSEC representative Commissioner John Koenig.  Also along for the inspection is his wife, Doctor Helena Russell-Koenig, taking a break from medical research station Moonbase Gamma to review the medical staff and inspect ship hospital bays.   We'll get a nice tour of the ship by Commander Alan Carter, and introductions to some of the main cast (which we will visit in a later post).  The order is given, the Mark VII Queller Drive fired up, and off we go to the Jovian system.  Upon the return to normal space, the ship is suddenly caught in a proton storm, and sent hurtling into deep space at incredible speeds!  The ship spins out of control, psychedelic backgrounds and sounds abound!  After what seems like an eternity, the Phoenix slows and and the crew is finally able to take control.  The crew tries to find their location in space, but to no avail.  The ship has also sustained some damage.  We end the episode with a slow pullback shot of a lone spacecraft in a totally unknown part of the universe.  (We'll do some radio chatter stuff too.  "This is Phoenix; is anyone out there...?")

And there we have our introduction to Season Two.  (I realize there are no monsters in these episodes, but the script writers will make up for it!)  Next time, we'll get back to the construction of the studio scale model.  Stay tuned!  

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